Square Arrows and Spear represent the Apostle St. Thomas. Arrows sug­gest the service of God through a spiritual weapon. The Spear is a symbol of the Passion because it was used to pierce Christ’s side on the Cross. Thomas, known as “doubting Thomas”, did not believe in the Resurrec­tion until thrusting his hands into his side. Thomas brought the faith to India.




Open Bible with Flaying Knife depicts the Holy Scriptures with the emblem of St. Bartholomew. Bartholomew, a disciple of Christ who trav­eled as far east as India, was flayed alive and then crucified.



Glastonbury Thorn which represents Christ’s birth. Thorns also

signify grief, trouble and sin.



Crown of Thorns and Nails, a representation of Christ’s crucifixion. The crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head by Solders before the Cruci­fixion as a mockery of the King of the Jews.