The course is a seminar in techniques of composition for the piano. It meets
on Thursdays from 3.00 PM until 6:00 PM. Anyone registering for this seminar MUST
attend all three hours of all classes (no exceptions). There will be five composition assignments, due in
two-week intervals. e.g. the first assignment is announced in the first week, and it would be
discussed in the second week. The student would then rewrite it for review in the third week, while
bringing in the second asignment. The pieces should be written in the students' own style, not in
the style of the pertinent examples. It is assumed that the compositional techniques presented here
are style independent.
On the last day of class, March 16, a portfolio of all written work in revised form will be turned in for a grade.
Until that time, no assignment will have a letter grade on it. That means that a piece may be improved up to the last
day of class.